Deploying applications in hybrid cloud environments is hard work. Your team spends most of the time maintaining your infrastructure, configuring dev/test and production environments,...
Cloud technology is transforming IT infrastructure but there are challenges. Over 75% of organizations report some deployments taking a month or longer (Forrester). That...
Watch this webcast to discover the importance of IT big data analytics and how IBM’s solutions can help improve your operations. You’ll learn:
Why IBM is a leader...
Can your business survive an outage or slowdown? Make sure your applications are ready for business. If they go down, you lose money and customer satisfaction. Don’t...
In this hands-on webcast we’ll explore strategies for JAVA and JEE developers, of all skill levels, on extending your once cutting edge but already legacy apps with...
How Best-in-Class Sales Teams Align Resources, Tools and Sales Enablement
Traditional sales management techniques have crudely focused on activities – “I need to...