On-Demand Webinar – Smarter@Sales Operations: Automation to Maximize the Buyer’s Journey


How Best-in-Class Sales Teams Align Resources, Tools and Sales Enablement

Traditional sales management techniques have crudely focused on activities – “I need to see more in your pipeline”…”you need to make more dials”…”just email some more case studies” — that may or may not lead to reducing the true sources of friction in the B2B sales funnel. But to be successful in facing today’s most educated buyer, sales leaders need to be in tune with the needs of the prospect and customer, and support buying stage-specific scenarios with content, best practices and automated workflows that ensure that outgoing proposals and RFP responses are more relevant, accurate, customized and likely to seal the deal.

This on-demand webinar, featuring Aberdeen Vice President and Sales Effectiveness Analyst, Peter Ostrow, and SAVO’s Director of Industry Solutions, Marty Vega, looks at what best-in-class companies are doing in terms of sales enablement to ensure that the buyer’s journey through the sales operations process is efficient and more satisfying for the buyer, so that the seller can in turn close deals more often and more efficiently. Download this free on-demand webinar to learn how you can help your sales operations function perform more effectively in 2013 and beyond.

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