Forrester Report: Protect Your Critical Data in the Cloud

For years, it has been standard best practice to back up your critical data. You store several copies off-site (electronically or physically) for disaster recovery. It’s not just a best practice – it’s a fiduciary responsibility. If you don’t back up your data, then customers, partners, and employees consider you negligent and incompetent. Yet, every day, enterprises send critical data to SaaS providers without any plan for how they will back up the data and restore it. Only when they experience data loss do they ask the question “Who is responsible for backing up my data?” It’s time for I&O leaders to stop leaving the door open to data loss and start proactively protecting cloud data—before it’s too late.

Download the report to continue reading and to learn how to protect your cloud data.

Highlights from the Report Include:

  • Organizations expect to be using 66 different SaaS applications in 2015
  • Backup and recovery policies from commonly used SaaS applications are compared
  • Key questions to ask your SaaS provider about backups 

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