Earn Your Accredited Nursing Degree with No Classroom Attendance at 1/2 the Cost of Traditional Programs via The College Network

Join over 150,000 nurses and healthcare professionals who have used The College Network's Comprehensive Learning Module Program to pass college equivalency exams (CLEP®, DSST®, and Excelsior College® Examination) in hundreds of subjects and earn your general education and elective college credits (between 30 and 70% of your degree) at your convenience. Complete your upper-level courses online with one of their partner universities and earn the exact same degree as if you had attended on campus.

The College Network knows going back to school isn't easy! The College Network and their partner universities will provide you with an Academic Roadmap to Success. They will be there to help you every step of the way from start to graduation. You must be at least 23 years old and a licensed RN, LPN, or LVN. You will be contacted by an admissions representative from The College Network to discuss continuing your education.

* The College Network has no direct affiliation with Excelsior College.

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