Value Added Resellers: The New Scoop

A value added reseller is a company or person that adds features or services to another company’s product that it will sell to the consumers. Usually, the reseller company adds its service and product to add more to the price of the product it sells. To be a value added reseller, it is important to obtain product knowledge and commitment. In addition, aspiring value added resellers must understand that requirements vary in every company, and some companies might require their applicants to undergo training.

The first thing you can do to be a reseller of a certain company is to visit the company’s website and research. Look for the products that you want to resell. Moreover, you must check if you need to pay resell rights for the products. Be reminded that some manufacturers might require you to pay once for a product’s resell rights or you might need to pay them periodically.

While you are browsing the website, obtain all the information regarding the company’s requirements to be one of its value added resellers. To get more in depth on your research, search for the company’s contact information on the website. After that, contact the company and request for additional research materials like product manuals and brochures.

If the company will provide training, examine the training requirements and estimate the time it will consume. Then evaluate your staff if they are competent enough to receive training, and let the employees with the highest work aptitude receive it.

In addition, check if the company has a mandatory sales quota. This is for you to assess if you will need to apply additional marketing strategies to make the product sell. Moreover, be ready for all the tests the company will provide you. You must also prepare your business to assimilate the working culture of the company you will collaborate. It is important that you educate all your employees on what you have learned about the company you will collaborate with and its products.

In the event that you found the product you want, think about the features you will add to it. You might even include some products you sell on the package. You must let your customers know that buying the product from you has additional features that your competitors do not have. Value added resellers concentrate on how they can increase the value of the product they chose and how they can provide their customers get more from what their customers will pay them. Therefore, if you want to be one, you must think like them and follow the tips written above.