The Recommendation Revolution

Date: April 18, 2012
Time: 10:00 am PDT/2:00 pm EDT

Traditional models for entertainment discovery and recommendation are in the midst of a dramatic shift that began over a decade ago. The growth of algorithmic recommendations from the likes of Netflix and Amazon has created a departure from the way in which consumers have traditionally discovered new TV programs, video, music or other types of content, while the growing reliance upon one's own social graph and interest communities are also having increasing sway on how consumer's allocate their time and money.

Whether a consumer's choice of content is influenced by algorithmic profiling or their own social graph, it's become clear how crucial it is for all members of the value chain - from storefront to distributor to content studio and creator - to understand how consumers find and ultimately decide on content.

Join GigaOM Pro and their sponsor Rovi for “The Recommendation Revolution”, a free analyst roundtable webinar on Wednesday, April 18, 2012 at 10 a.m. PDT/2 p.m. EDT.

What Will Be Discussed
  • How the consumer discovers content today and how that will change
  • How the combination of algorithms and human editors will play a role in the future of entertainment discovery
  • How the recommendation revolution differs across TV, movies and music
  • How you can effectively utilize search, personalization, social and community driven entertainment recommendation
  • How the future of entertainment commerce and recommendation are intertwined

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