The Cost Advantages of Using a Hosted Unified Communications Service

A challenge for Small and Mid-sized Businesses (SMBs) is the cost of scaling their communications systems to rival the rich functionality and flexibility of bigger competitors with dedicated IT staffs. Upfront capital costs and the requirement for on-site staff to manage equipment and applications have fueled interest in hosted Unified Communications (UC) services, which allow smaller organizations to use a third-party provider's UC infrastructure in the cloud and enjoy the economies of scale of very large organizations.

This paper offers a full Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) comparison between using a hosted UC service and buying/maintaining an on-site UC system for a 55-employee company distributed across three sites. The paper also offers a UC-in-a-box primer to put the landscape into context for those in SMBs new to unified communications.

The findings might surprise you!

Download this new white paper now to:
  • Understand the tradeoffs between owning vs. hosted UC systems
  • Review a dollars-to-dollars comparison in a full Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) study
  • Learn the pitfalls to avoid when evaluating different UC systems

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