iPad Secrets (Covers iPad, iPad 2, and 3rd Generation iPad)–Free Sample Chapter

iPad Secrets provides the millions of iPad owners with a true behind the scenes look into a vault of features and little known short cuts of this sea changing tablet.

Direct from a product reviewer at Engadget, the world's most read tech blog, iPad Secrets provides practical information to vastly improve one’s tablet experience, and to make the device more useful as a tool.

The book includes secrets, tips, and tricks including: 

  • Managing Multiple E-Mail Accounts, Contacts, and Scheduling
  • Making The Most Of Multitasking
  • Wrangling iTunes (While Maintaining Your Sanity)
  • Making The Most Of FaceTime… and Those
  • Other Video Calling Solutions
  • AirPlay: Streaming Secrets of the Multimedia Variety
  • Taking Advantage of Wireless Functionality
  • iMessage, And The Wide World of Push Notifications
  • iCloud Integration
  • AirPlay: Streaming Secrets of the Multimedia Variety
  • Taking Advantage of Wireless Functionality
  • iMessage, And The Wide World of Push Notifications
  • iCloud Integration

iPad Secrets is ideal for anyone wanting to take advantage of the countless options the iPad has to offer.

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