Forrester Research Report: Great Mobile Experiences Are Built On Systems of Engagement

By 2014, smartphones and tablets will put power in the pockets of a billion global consumers, including your employees and partners and customers. However, mobile is not simply another device for IT to support with a shrunken website or a screen-scraped application. Rather, mobile is the visible manifestation of a much broader shift to systems of engagement that marry physical context and digital intelligence to deliver service directly into a person's hands. This shift will add value and take cost out of every business service, workflow process, and business application. But mobile engagement will also require wholesale changes to your app design, service delivery, IT skills, technology assets, and even your business model.

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Forrester Research Report: Great Mobile Experiences Are Built On Systems of Engagement

By 2014, smartphones and tablets will put power in the pockets of a billion global consumers, including your employees and partners and customers. However, mobile is not simply another device for IT to support with a shrunken website or a screen-scraped application. Rather, mobile is the visible manifestation of a much broader shift to systems of engagement that marry physical context and digital intelligence to deliver service directly into a person's hands. This shift will add value and take cost out of every business service, workflow process, and business application. But mobile engagement will also require wholesale changes to your app design, service delivery, IT skills, technology assets, and even your business model.

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