Do your job candidates experience a hiring process at your company that allows your brand to shine? Or do your potential new hires experience a cumbersome, paper-heavy process? ...
According to a recent Aberdeen Research on Omnichannel Customer Care, “Companies that connect all their customer service channels… report 89% customer retention,...
As companies made the transition to a multichannel contact center, many arrived there by adding more systems resulting in fragmented and siloed infrastructure. This...
Get better results from your next customer event
Pulling off a successful, engaging customer event can be a challenge in itself—but how can you also ensure a healthy crop...
No more robotic conversations. Keep it real with CorvisaOne® Workflow.
Robotic interactions can leave customers cold and, ultimately, leave your business...
Stop the anger. Get customers to their happy place.
Today’s call centers must be all things to all people. Despite this, most customers agree on what...