The Great Project Profitability Debate

In the architecture and engineering (A/E) industry, the difference between a profitable project and barely breaking even is often a razor-thin margin. How well firms and their individual teams can manage the various costs associated with every project is usually the determining factor between a rousing success or a waste of time.

A/E firms have a great opportunity to lead the world into the future, but the industry’s greatest asset—real-time data—is sitting wasted in clunky, archaic ERP platforms. Learn how real-time, fully interactive dashboards in a modern ERP allow you to unlock data that will shape the future of the world.

In this white paper, you will learn:

  • Learn how to quickly–and accurately–measure your project profitability
  • Understand the benefits of both project costing methodologies
  • Gain flexibility, agility, and efficiency with a modern ERP
  • Boost project profitability with powerful time and expense tracking

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