The CDP Starter Kit

In 2022 and beyond, Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) will be increasingly foundational to the martech stack. CDPs adapt flexibly to new regulations, boost customer acquisition and retention strategies, protect your customer’s privacy, and enable powerful AI and machine learning capabilities.

However, with so many resources, technology, and options out there it can feel overwhelming when deciding how to start your CDP journey. The good news is that we are here to help!

To help set you and your team up for success, we’ve created a comprehensive CDP Starter Kit to help you plan for, evaluate, and build a comprehensive strategy around buying and implementing a customer data platform. Download your copy today!

The CDP Starter Kit includes:

  • A checklist of considerations as you look to launch a CDP
  • 6 tips for buying a CDP, including Getting Buy-in and Aligning your Organization
  • 3 use cases to get you started
  • How Tealium customer, Adore Beauty, increased engagement rates by 400%

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