SaaS-to-SaaS Access Report

When an employee finds an app that can help improve their business operations, they quickly integrate into their core SaaS app. While this might help boost efficiency in day-to-day operations, it also significantly increases risk.

Meanwhile, security teams are challenged with quantifying how many apps are being connected and what risk level scopes are being granted.

In an effort to better understand this challenge, Adaptive Shield’s SaaS-to-SaaS Access Report analyzes anonymized data from hundreds of tenants to uncover:

+ High Level of Risk for Connected Apps – 39% of apps connected to M365 and 11% to Google Workspace have ‘high-risk’ permission access.
+ Organizations Have Thousands of Connected Apps – Organizations with 10,000 SaaS users that use M365 and Google Workspace average over 4,371 connected apps beyond the view of the security team.
+ The More Employees, The More Connected Apps – The number of connected apps increases significantly in relation to the number of employees.

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