Procurement Simplified – Real Problems Solved with Artificial Intelligence

As changing CXO priorities drive organizations toward exploring new forms of realizing competitive advantage, technology, specifically AI, stands out as the clear candidate to spearhead such initiatives. Our newest eBook delves into the current scope of usage for AI in Procurement, lays out realistic use cases & backs up claims with real implementations & case studies.

McKinsey suggests that automating S2P operations can reduce spending by up to 3.5%. It’s no wonder that over 60% of organizations with mature sourcing and procurement functions are investing in AI. When are you?

Here’s what you can look forward to reading about, in the eBook – 

  • The evolution of ‘ProcureTech’ 
  • The state of AI in procurement
  • ‘CXO Priorities for 2023 & Beyond’; and how AI can help achieve them
  • Challenges CPOs face while implementing AI-led solutions
  • A glimpse into the facets that make up Cognitive Procurement
  • How Real S2P problems can be solved using Artificial Intelligence.

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