No-Code vs. Low-Code

Following years of steady improvements, development times and costs have begun moving upwards in the past decade. Why? The complexity of modern enterprise systems is colliding with the natural limits of building with code.

Enterprises are free to continue swimming against the strengthening tide by repeatedly increasing their software development spend. Or, they can overcome this engineering challenge by tapping solutions that engineer around it.

Enter “low-code.” These simple development tools were introduced in the early 2000s as a way to automate repeatable coding tasks. To be sure, low-code may have helped make some common processes more efficient, but it hasn’t been able to overcome today’s development challenges because it doesn’t overcome code.

“No-code” platforms are all-in-one development platforms that completely eliminate coding from the process. This means organizations can invest all their time and resources into building value and perfecting the user experience instead of toiling with syntax, bugs, and legacy code.

It’s understandable why the marketplace may conflate these two similar-sounding terms, but they are anything but interchangeable. Here at Unqork, we strongly disagree with the decision of some analysts to casually bundle both technologies together into a single “low-code/no-code” category.

In this eBook, we will demonstrate why only no-code can meet the needs of the modern digital enterprise through the exploration of several key differences.

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