Live Webinar: DevOps and How Operational Data Can Enhance and Accelerate Development

Join us for this free 1-hour webinar from GigaOm, featuring GigaOm analyst Jon Collins and special guest Mark Herring of InfluxData, a Time Series Platform vendor, about how organizations can not only monitor and control infrastructure assets across the private and public cloud, but also start to derive the benefits of data analytics across workflows, feeding infrastructure information to developers and decision makers alike.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • How many organizations who struggle to link information and insights back into the fast-moving development lifecycle can do so.
  • How to better use operational data to feed decisions, from those working at the front line of software delivery and deployment, to senior executives and strategists.
  • Beyond theory, we’ll also be drilling into practices learned across a number of verticals and specific clients, taking examples from business-as-usual to disaster recovery.

Why Attend

Data, data everywhere, but not a drop to drink? The amount of information we now have on operational aspects of IT is astounding, creating the potential for data analytics, fault identification, and diagnosis. However, many organizations struggle to link information and insights back into the fast-moving development lifecycle.

If you are looking to accelerate and automate your DevOps and continuous delivery practices through better use of data, or simply want to know how to deliver operational information to the development point of need, register today.

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