Hybrid CMS: The Next Generation of the Headless CMS

Content management systems (CMSs) have been in use for 20+ years, but only in the past several years has the term “headless CMS” become popular; and it has already begun to revolutionize the experience across digital channels and devices. However, today’s pureplay headless CMS lacks many of the core capabilities of a “traditional” CMS. And the next generation headless CMS–aka the hybrid CMS–is already here.

This eBook has been prepared for technical and non-technical audiences to answer the most common questions that arise when we hear the terms hybrid, headless and decoupled CMS, and the benefits of each.

Included in this white paper:

  • What is a headless CMS and Content-as-a-Service?
  • Why a hybrid CMS is the best way to deliver better digital experiences for customers, quicker!
  • What are key criteria to selecting a hybrid CMS vendor?

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