How to Create Content Sales Will Love and Actually Use!

Recent research suggests only about 20% of the content marketers create is actually used by sellers—representing a waste of time and resources that’s too often accepted as the status quo.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Most organizations want to improve sales and marketing alignment, but few are able to achieve it. All too often, sales and marketing are united in goal, but divided in practice: content misses the mark, can’t be found, or works but isn’t scalable. 

We’ll explore the reasons why marketers and sellers can’t seem to get on the same page— and what you can do to buck the trend.

You’ll discover:

Why sales and marketing alignment is so dang hard

The keys to the kingdom that will ensure the sales content you create gets used in the most impactful ways

Why content management is now table stakes (but still critical) and you need to focus on content activation

What sellers really want (hint: it’s the right content, in the flow of work)

How to co-create content with sellers so you get it right the first time

…and much more. You won’t want to miss this. Save your seat today and discover how to bring sales and marketing together.

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