Faster Builds with Turborepo and Stately

Enter: remote caching with Turborepo. Remote caching allows you to share build artifacts with everyone—including the CI. In this video with Turborepo Founder Jared Palmer and Stately Developer Advocate Matt Pocock, you’ll see how pairing Turborepo’s build system with Vercel’s development and deployment platform leads to increased developer productivity and up to 85% faster build times.

Watch this webinar recording to: 

  • Hear how Stately uses monorepos to improve builds
  • See a live comparison of a build with and without Turborepo
  • Learn how to utilize remote caching on Vercel to achieve your fastest build times

Jared Palmer, Founder, Turborepo
Jared Palmer is the creator and founder of Turborepo (acquired by Vercel). He’s also created many popular open-source projects such as Formik and TSDX and is a native New Yorker.
Matt Pocock, Developer Advocate, Stately
Matt Pocock is a Developer Advocate at Stately, member of the XState core team, and author of Advanced TypeScript.


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