Creating an Agile Application Strategy

No matter what your company does, software is critical to differentiating yourself from competitors. It’s a model to deliver new services and revenues, easy customer experiences, and guidance in your expansion into new markets. Your software strategy is your innovation strategy — and your overall business strategy. Future growth will rely on this agile capability to innovate on the fly.

But are you ready for this high-speed world? In many organizations, business units are siloed and IT functions can hobble this agility at a time when the company needs to be exploring new enabling technological paradigms like IoT, AI, and blockchain and an expanding their resulting business ecosystems. Struggles with legacy systems while trying to integrate and deploy a complex system of new growth-centric applications are always challenging.

This Harvard Business Review webinar, “Creating an Agile Application Strategy,” sponsored by TIBCO and hosted by HBR’s Angela Herrin, explores:

  • New strategies for applications to increase volume and accelerate change
  • How application strategies and business strategies can work together
  • How to drive continuous innovation inside your organization

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