Artificial Intelligence: Forget the Job-Killing Hype

With the blistering pace of digital disruption, competitive advantage can vanish in a flash.

And large companies are getting killed off faster than anyone ever imagined.

(Note: The average age of a company on the S&P 500 has plummeted from 60 years in the 1950s to less than 20 years today [Credit Suisse]).

But of all the technologies that are driving disruption, artificial intelligence (AI) may be the most disruptive of all.

All you have to do is type “artificial intelligence” into your search bar to see truckloads of hype about workforce disruption.

This is an important conversation.

But it misses another transformative trend: The astonishing evolution of AI is taking uncertainty out of strategy and helping the most successful companies anticipate new opportunities and risks.

Which is precisely why AI expert Avi Goldfarb (@avicgoldfarb)is urging senior execs to look beyond workforce horror stories, and focus on the AI trend as a drop in the “cost of prediction.”

Read the full interview now as part of our Digital Trailblazers series, featuring Avi Goldfarb, artificial intelligence expert, economist and co-author: “Prediction Machines”.

This is the final episode of our two-part series on artificial intelligence, featuring AI expert Avi Goldfarb (avicgoldfarb), author of the highly-acclaimed “Prediction Machines: The Simple Economics of Artificial Intelligence. 

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