Why B2B Marketers Need to Use ROI Metrics to Ensure Optimal Lead Quality

A study by the Kellogg School of Management found that companies who do not measure their results from sales leads may actually experience lower closure rates.  Measuring quantifiable data is the only way to effectively avoid such a scenario. 

Leads from any source should never be evaluated subjectively. One of the best ways to get an accurate picture of how leads from various sources perform is to create a comparison table based on transaction data and campaign results. Include revenue, market share and profits, volume, conversion of leads, and direct response metrics.

Download our white paper for expert tips and insights, including:

  • 5 Practices to Track Marketing Performance
  • How to Calculate Customer Lifetime Value
  • The 3 Most Reliable Lead Quality Metrics

What goals could your business achieve by focusing on lead quality metrics? Download our free white paper today, and learn to identify the best lead sources for your business.

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