The Password Management Guide

We are all overwhelmed by passwords. Everyone has an account for Google, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Outlook/Hotmail, Dropbox...the list goes on.  Unfortunately, most of us use either one password or a group of passwords for all of our major accounts. That’s dangerous. It doesn’t matter if the individual password is unique, or if it’s a long mix of numbers and letters; if you only use one password it won’t matter. When one account is compromised, all of your accounts will likely follow. The main reason people reuse passwords is that keeping track of many different logins (username and password as shortly both are called logins) is difficult, in fact it’s potentially impossible. This is where password management applications become crucial, especially in a business environment. You don’t want to use the same password with all of your online accounts, but it is also impossible for you to remember hundreds of passwords. So what should you do?

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