The Essential Sales Kit for 2015: Including ‘Revenue Disruption’ (Valued at $16.99) FREE Now!

Revenue Disruption delivers bold new strategies to transform corporate revenue performance and ignite outsized revenue growth. Today's predominant sales and marketing model is at best obsolete and at worst totally dysfunctional. But with this book, you'll find a completely new operating methodology based on a sales and marketing approach that recognizes the global technological, cultural, and media changes that have forever transformed the process of buying and selling.

This essential kit offers a wide range of Sales resources and research for Sales professionals:
  • Revenue Disruption (Valued at $16.99) Free for a Limited Time
  • E-Signatures and Sales: How IT Can Enable the Business to Close Sales Deals Faster
  • 10 Ways Sales Benefits from Marketing Automation
  • The Salesforce User's Guide to Pipeline Management

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