The 2021 Back to School Shopping Report

The pandemic forced the world to change in 2020 and no system was more revolutionized than the school system. In 2021, the back-to-school season will be neither completely upended like 2020 nor “back to normal,’ so Tinuiti surveyed more than 2,000 families with children in K-12 schools to discover their attitudes and concerns as they plan for the coming academic year. Some of the illuminating findings include:

  • Favored retailers and shopping channels for back-to-school shopping—and how retailers can increase brand presence and sales by tailoring their offers
  • The impact of remote learning on purchasing priorities
  • The influence of families’ schooling choices on what and how they buy

With more than $2 billion in digital spend under management, Tinuiti is the leader in expertise and insights across the Triopoly of Google, Facebook, and Amazon. Download the 2021 Back to School Shopping Report to understand the most important consumer trends as families, students, and educators transition to a post-pandemic society.

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