The 2014 Consumer Packaged Goods Innovation Report

If you examined the top-performing consumer packaged goods companies, could you identify a formula for their success?

Many studies have attempted to answer this question, but new research from Affinnova offers a different perspective. Instead of interviewing C-level executives about their innovation practices (the way innovation studies are typically done), Affinnova surveyed 400 innovators on the front lines – directors, managers and analysts intimately familiar with everyday new product development practices. The resulting research identifies 4 factors that enable top performing CPG companies to achieve higher levels of new product success and a stronger competitive advantage.

Key take-aways from the report:

  • Benchmark your innovation against top and bottom performers in your industry
  • Identify key areas for improvement so you can better allocate resources
  • Learn what front line CPG innovators need most from their leaders to succeed

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The 2014 Consumer Packaged Goods Innovation Report

If you examined the top-performing consumer packaged goods companies, could you identify a formula for their success?

Many studies have attempted to answer this question, but new research from Affinnova offers a different perspective. Instead of interviewing C-level executives about their innovation practices (the way innovation studies are typically done), Affinnova surveyed 400 innovators on the front lines – directors, managers and analysts intimately familiar with everyday new product development practices. The resulting research identifies 4 factors that enable top performing CPG companies to achieve higher levels of new product success and a stronger competitive advantage.

Key take-aways from the report:

  • Benchmark your innovation against top and bottom performers in your industry
  • Identify key areas for improvement so you can better allocate resources
  • Learn what front line CPG innovators need most from their leaders to succeed

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