Seven social selling tips to effectively find leads on social media and convert them into customers

Because of how social the sales process is, salespeople are naturally turning to social media as a new prospecting and selling channel. According to Forrester, buyers may be between two-thirds and ninety percent of the way through their purchasing journey before reaching out to sales. Salespeople are realizing that they need to have a strong social media presence so they can connect with these buyers earlier in that process and show their industry expertise.

Even if you’re a social media expert, when it comes to using social in the sales process, the rules are a bit different. This ebook will give both social media beginners and seasoned professionals the seven secrets to social selling success.

In this ebook you’ll learn:

  •  Which social media channels you should use for social selling
  • How you can use them effectively to find leads and convert those leads into customers
  • How to balance your personal and professional social media presence
  • And more!

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