Return on Authenticity: Making Effective Storytelling and Content Performance Align

According to research by Nielsen, 70 percent of global consumers trust online consumer reviews and rate reviews as the second most trusted form of advertising. When it comes to trust, BazaarVoice reports that marketers may as well eliminate their own brand websites as a source of customer trust. Only 16 percent of US consumers said they trust the content on a brand's website compared to 51 percent who trust content generated by other users.

Today's digital currency is arguably authenticity. Yet far too often, brands opt for content marketing strategies that only use new social channels to distribute traditional push-marketing content. As we calculate return in the form of views, clicks and the potential audience at the ready to consume our content, are we missing a greater, more rewarding (read: revenue-rich) measure of return?

What attracts customers—especially the digitally dependent, savvy millennial—is not just content. It is the delivery of authentic, unvarnished content from their peers. Over the years, the debate over the brand viability of user-generated content has raged on. But as the new connected consumer and this age of the “Internet of me” take a tighter grip, marketers must start looking at how content intersects with authentic storytelling.

Join the CMO Council for an interactive, one-hour webcast that will invite industry experts in content marketing and user-generated content, along with brand leaders effectively leveraging authentic storytelling as part of their content marketing strategies, to share how and where brands can capitalize on this return on authenticity.

Some of the topics to be covered include:
  • How customer-generated content has changed the face of content marketing
  • Best practices in digital content curation and how to leverage the authentic voice of the customer to impact brand experience
  • Amplifying the fine line between self-promotion and engagement…and knowing how to effectively invite engagement and content generation
  • Examples of leaders who have thoughtfully opened their brands' doors to invite the customer into the content strategy

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