Native Advertising: What it means for brands and publishers – An Excerpt

Native advertising is perhaps the marketing phrase of 2014. With the success of ‘new’ media companies like BuzzFeed and VICE, and their focus on digitally native campaigns, it’s also becoming apparent that native advertising will offer the most ad revenue growth for publishers over the next three to five years. Clearly it’s a growing trend, and more marketers are considering their options in executing their own native advertising campaigns.

But what exactly does it entail? That is the major question that this report aims to answer, along with examining the changes in market trends and reasons why it has become more prevalent, who is doing it, how it is being measured and what the potential drawbacks to the trend are. There are also numerous examples and best practice case studies included in the report to explain how advertisers, media companies and agencies are exploring the opportunity and executing campaigns.

We asked 30 industry experts across the media landscape for their interpretation of native advertising, and quotes from them are included in the report. Their views can clearly be linked to wider trends in digital advertising and marketing.

What you'll learn

  • What native advertising is, why it has come about and its evolution as a trend
  • Important considerations for planning a native advertising strategy
  • How the performance of native advertising is measured
  • Potential challenges for publishers, audiences and advertisers
  • Examples of who is doing it well

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