More Than a Trend: Why Telehealth Is the New Standard Post-Pandemic

A recent study found that more than 3/4 of today’s employers offer virtual services within their healthcare benefits programs and businesses that have leveraged telehealth’s potential have seen an uptick in ROI, employee retention and company-wide productivity. In fact, half of all organizations offering telehealth in 2022 cut 10% or more of their annual benefits spending, according to the study. With exceptional satisfaction rates, high demand and desirable health outcomes, it’s clear that telehealth is here to stay post pandemic. Download this white paper to learn how you can help your employer clients better capitalize on telehealth and learn about:

  • Barriers that prevented telehealth usage prior to 2020
  • 3 factors that enabled the surge in virtual visits
  • How telehealth is poised to prevail post pandemic
  • Why telehealth opens new doors for health equity
  • 3 ways to maximize telehealth’s potential

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