Maximizing Revenue Potential in Today’s Multifaceted Retail Landscape

Rather than browsing shelves until they find a product that suits their needs, a high-powered search engine is often a consumer’s first step toward locating a potential purchase. With the nearly infinite resources of the internet at consumers’ fingertips, the importance of search engine optimization (SEO) for online retailers cannot be overstated, as competition has increased for share of wallet.

Whether consumers are trying to locate a product in-store or research competitors’ features and pricing online, SEO plays a key role in getting product information to consumers. Therefore, developing a robust SEO strategy is imperative for all retail channels.

In this report from NAPCO Research and Botify, it became evident that retailers are overlooking key SEO strategies in favor of allocating funds toward expensive paid search campaigns that are yielding short-term benefits. With a strong SEO strategy driven by technological investment and internal efforts, retailers can increase their sites’ indexing rate by search engines, maximizing traffic and revenue from high-intent searchers.

Download today to learn:

  • the importance of site indexing;
  • how reliance on paid search is hindering your bottom line;
  • SEO tactics for improving organic search; and
  • much more!

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