How To Write And Publish Your First iBook Using iBooks Author

As the self-publishing industry grows larger, Apple’s iBooks Author (free) exists as a unique tool for publishing e-books than can reach a large audience of iPad, iPhone and Mac users. The iBooks format is also useful for showcasing and distributing content independent of the iBooks Store.

Apple first released iBooks Author back in 2012, and it was and still is largely geared to the textbook and education community. iBooks has introduced many ways to present and display content, with an audience of over 800 million iPad users across the world. It’s been reported that since mid-September 2014, over one million customers visit the iBooks store every week, which makes for a huge potential market for authors and publishers.

Bakari Chavanu recently completed and published his own iBook, titled: Starting From Day One: Using the Day One Journaling App to Record and Enrich Your Life. This guide is primarily based on his experience and workflow for writing a book, from initial idea to publishing.

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