How B2B Marketers Can Maximize Sales From An Effective Lead Nurturing Program

According to a report by Marketo, when leads that are not immediately sales ready are properly nurtured, “they are three times more likely to become a sales lead in a given month than if they are not nurtured.”  This statistic cannot be ignored by B2B marketers. 

This white paper will show how to strengthen and refine your lead nurturing process, plus tips to help you capture sales and boost ROI even with leads that don't close on the initial call, including:

  • 4 Key Questions to Help You Get Started in Lead Nurturing
  • How to Educate Prospects While Creating Trust & Loyalty
  • 3 Important Questions You Must Answer for Your Prospect

How much value does each new customer bring to your company? If the answer is hundreds or thousands in increased revenue, it’s worth every effort to make sure no lead is wasted. Download our free white paper and start nurturing those leads today!

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