Hear Why CareFirst BCBS is Switching to a SIP-based Contact Center

Traditional ACD vendors continue to struggle with their product roadmaps - stuck between the legacy hardware of the past and the open software of the present and the future. If your ACD-based contact center has become a road block for adding capacity or adding channels such as social media and mobile, you might want to think about making the switch to a SIP-based Contact Center solution.

Hear Why and How CareFirst BCBS is Switching to SIP

CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield, a US based healthcare insurer, made the decision to migrate from its legacy ACD/PBX based contact center to a SIP-based contact center. High outages, high maintenance costs, lack of flexibility, lack of end-to-end high availability, and complex upgrades were some of the key reasons why they made this decision. In this webinar guest speaker, Troy Ridgley, will share the CareFirst story and talk about why and how Carefirst is making the switch to SIP.

Register now for this webinar on Wednesday May 29, 2 PM Eastern / 11 AM Pacific and you will also learn:
  • Why queue based routing doesn't work in today's contact center environment
  • How hardware ACD's can be a dead end towards consistent multi-channel customer experience
  • How you can reduce costs by migrating to a SIP based contact center
All participants will receive a complimentary OVUM white paper titled “Prepare Contact Centers for the Future With SIP”.

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