Five Steps to Building an Online Customer Experience Competency

A recently published Forrester Research report highlights how customer experience is one of the most vital areas for online businesses. Nearly all customer experience decision-makers (93 percent) say that a good customer experience is one of their top strategic priorities, and 75 percent say they want to use customer experience as a competitive differentiator.

This demonstrates a movement by companies into the next generation of website optimization. But this same report also reveals that most companies lack a disciplined approach to improving customer experience.

IBM Tealeaf solutions are designed to help you succeed in your online customer experience efforts. With this goal in mind, we would like to share five steps you can take to establish an online customer experience competency within your organization. These steps are:
  1. Monitor customer experience KPIs.
  2. Proactively examine and respond to known technical issues.
  3. Listen to your customers.
  4. Prioritize customer experience issues based on business impact.
  5. Observe and review actual customer behavior.

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