eBook: The Business Case for Multilingual Online Communities

Companies looking to provide a world class customer experience understand the critical need to support all customers. Online communities and forums are a way to enable globally distributed customers to engage with one another and share solutions to common problems – all while reducing support costs on the business side.

Most online communities, however, struggle with active global participation due to language barriers. Traditional approaches to translation have been ineffective because the content is too dynamic and human translation is too costly. As a result, there have only been two options for overcoming this challenge:

  • Redirect all foreign language users to English content (a dissatisfying and unhelpful user experience!)
  • Create a separate instance of each community for each language (resulting in limited participation and content, also not helpful!)

Luckily, a new solution has emerged: an automated, real-time translation solution engineered specifically for a community platform. Download the eBook to learn more. 

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