Demand Generation Friday Forum

Empathy: Your Lead Generation (And Marketing) Superpower
11:30am – 12:15pm ET
Brian Carroll, CEO, markempa

Customer empathy is not just a "soft" skill; it's a powerful tool to know your customer's emotional motivators so that you can connect better and drive growth. 

Feel more confident in making changes, giving recommendations, and creating messages that resonate by learning an evidence-based approach to lead generation.

At the end of this session you'll be able to:

  • Know your customers' core emotional motivators 
  • Use empathy to design messages that resonate 
  • Transfer customer emotion insights to other channels 

Accelerating the Buyer Journey With Bingeable Experiences
12:30pm – 1pm ET
Randy Frisch CMO and Co-Founder of Uberflip

Marketing departments are struggling to generate demand for their businesses. From first touch to lead nurturing to closing the deal, every touchpoint must be combined with a personalized experience that makes it easy for prospects to binge content.

In this session, you'll learn:

  • How content fuels personalization 
  • A framework that offers a concise way for marketers to create, manage, and optimize personalized content experiences at scale
  • How to deliver relevant content to prospects and customers across different channels and format

Why the MQL Is Going the Way of the Dodo Bird
1:15pm – 2pm ET
Nina Butler, Director, Demand Generation at Alyce

Demand generation is responsible for the ideation and execution of all marketing programs that get prospects and customers excited about your company's product.

The end goal is all about building and nurturing key prospect and customer relationships for the long term. Join us as we dissect what's broken within demand generation and how marketers are rethinking full-funnel conversion.

You'll learn about:

  • The evolution of marketing and how that has impacted demand gen strategies
  •  How to evaluate the success of your demand gen efforts 
  • Ways to maintain marketing and sales alignment with your demand gen programs


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