Buyer’s Guide to Call Tracking Software for Marketers

Inbound sales calls are the most valuable type of lead, converting to revenue 10 times more than web clicks. It’s why marketers spend $68 billion each year on ads to generate inbound calls. 

However, most CMOs don’t know what marketing programs make their phones ring. They can’t attribute sales opportunities and revenue from those calls to the right sources. And they can't optimize campaigns, content, and marketing spend to generate more.

This is why 2014 is expected to be the year for call tracking technology in marketing. Analyst firm BIA/Kelsey predicts call tracking software will become a $1 billion market this year. 

If you are looking to implement a call tracking solution, this guide can help. You’ll learn:

  • The benefits of call tracking
  • The different types of call tracking technology
  • The questions to consider when selecting a vendor
  • Valuable info to empower you to make the best buying decision for your business 

Marketers need to understand and prove how their ads, content, and campaigns are generating phone calls, impacting lead generation, and driving sales. Check out the “Buyer’s Guide to Call Tracking Software for Marketers” to learn more.

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