4 Ways to Make One-on-One Sales Meetings More Production

The weekly 1:1 meeting is a core best practice of good sales management. It's the best way for managers and their employees to check in with each other, see what's working, plan next steps on key opportunities, and review the activities of the week.

The downside is they take time from selling, and to do them right takes even more time. Often, people are so busy on direct selling activities they don't invest the time and effort into making the most of their 1:1 sessions.

For sales managers, this is a mistake. While there is always time to work on key deals, the only time a manager has to help reps improve their long term performance is the 1:1. For managers who want to help all their reps perform like their best reps, the single best tool they have is a well-organized, highly effective scheduled time to focus on the activities and practices that make sales people successful.

The steps in this eBook are specific actions managers can take to make the most of their meetings for more productive sales teams.

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