4 Steps to Driving Customer Loyalty Through Mobile Apps

A well-designed app, tailored to its audience, has the power to increase customer loyalty, encourage more frequent interactions, and drive sales. If poorly designed, it runs the risk of falling into the vast pool of mobile apps that are used only once, then abandoned.

In a white paper from Appcelerator, discover the keys to creating “sticky” mobile apps that keep customers coming back, again and again. Using the four components of the mobile relationship lifecycle--reach, loyalty, engagement and monetization--as guides, you'll learn about the most effective ways to connect with customers at the right time, on the right mobile device. Plus, you'll get an inside look at how NBC Universal became the most popular destination in the mobile app store.

Download the white paper and learn:
  • How to reach and resonate with your customers by selecting the right mobile platform and user experience
  • How to create captivating experiences that can be shared and accessed across devices by using mobile features like social hooks and cloud technology
  • How to drive app use and increase loyalty by using analytics and notifications
  • How to choose the most appropriate business model for monetizing your app
Transform your customer relationships by understanding how to create a world-class mobile app experience that will keep users coming back for more. Download the white paper to learn the 4 steps to driving customer loyalty today.

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