Timing is everything in 5G: Distributing synchronization across any IP network with overlay sync

Timing and synchronization have emerged as crucial aspects of 5G. The adoption of TDD mid-band and the rise of advanced applications such as network slicing put stricter requirements on synchronization and introduces new challenges. GNSS, the traditional method, faces vulnerabilities to interference, while network-based Precision Time Protocol (PTP) demands extensive hardware support and is incompatible with leased capacity.   

 Join us in this webinar as we delve into the implementation of overlay network sync, allowing you to distribute timing and synchronization on top of existing IP network within your mobile network infrastructure.  

Key Topics Include:

  • 5G challenges for timing and synchronization network distribution  
  • Opportunities with implementing overlay synch on top of existing IP network  
  • Lessons learned and results from the field with Türk Telekom

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