The Mobile BYOD Intelligence Report

As demonstrated in many major breaches in 2022, the growing use of personal device and personal apps in 2022 resulted in many high-profile corporate breaches. With the widespread use of personal mobile devices in the workplace, it is increasingly difficult for employers to ensure the security of sensitive information.

In the report you will learn:

  • How much work employees do on their personal devices
  • Types of work tasks employees do on their personal devices
  • The prevalence of corporate-related attacks directed to personal devices
  • How much employees trust their company to install a data security app on their
  • personal devices
  • How common it is for companies to require installation of security apps
  • The prevalence of company passwords being stored on personal devices
  • How security leaders are balancing data security and employee privacy
  • How technology is used to block attacks and keep employees happy
  • The types of threats IT leaders are most concerned about

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