The Evolution of Biometrics in Telecom: Challenges and Opportunities

Date:  Wednesday, August 21, 2019 
Time:  12pm ET / 9am PT
Duration:  1 Hour

Consumer personal information is available, for a price, for anyone who wants to try to hack consumer accounts. This has implications for telcos around the world as they need to both authenticate customers and prevent fraud across all of their digital and physical channels, all while providing a frictionless experience for their subscribers. Indeed, according to the most recent CFCA Survey, subscriber fraud and account takeovers- which can result in the ordering of new equipment, the addition of subscriptions and the obtaining of additional SIMs- is costing operators over $12 Billion per year, and growing.

So what are leading communications service providers (CSP’s) doing to combat the threat? What are the roles and limitations of current biometrics being used today? And how can omnichannel biometrics position CSP’s to prevent subscription fraud and account takeovers, without compromising the UX or increasing average handle time / agent productivity? This webinar experts from Deutsche Telekom and Nuance will discuss new research from iGR on how CSP’s are addressing these issues, as well as a real world case study from one of the largest telcos in Europe.

This webinar will review:

  • The need for frictionless authentication in all customer care channels
  • The risks involved and the potential for fraud
  • The size of the customer support process and potential size of fraud
  • How biometric solutions address the problem
  • Recent use cases where biometrics have been used in the customer support channels to address potential fraud

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