Test Autonomously and Continuously–Because Every Second (Literally) Matters

With digital transformations fully underway, networks are more critical than ever and orders of magnitude more complex. Synthetic testing is becoming a common technique used by service providers and digital enterprises alike to measure performance of CDNs, ASNs and OTT services as well as DNS and HTTP services, to ensure the best digital experience for their subscribers and SaaS users.

Embrace Kentik’s unique approach to synthetic testing that leverages real network traffic data to ease the operational burden of setting up and maintaining synthetic tests. And with continuous testing, give your operations teams immediate visibility into the network’s performance for time-critical applications.

Watch this on-demand webinar to learn:

  • Why continuous (sub-minute) testing is indispensable to running today’s demanding applications
  • How you can leverage real traffic to free you from the burden of manually creating synthetic tests
  • How to set up site-mesh style tests quickly and monitor performance and availability of DNS and HTTP servers
  • How trace and path data can be useful in troubleshooting network issues.

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