Optimizing Cloud Spending With FinOps

The increase in cloud operations has many business benefits: increased operational capacity, agility, scalability, security. However, there can be increased costs and new challenges in managing those costs—a need that has generated a new function for cloud cost management: financial operations (FinOps).

On September 8, in a live, interactive HBR-AS webinar, Chuck Foley, NetApp’s senior director of marketing for cloud-based solutions,will join HBR-AS’s Alex Clemente to discuss:

  • Defining FinOps and its purpose and benefits
  • Why the relationship between FinOps and IT has been a historically complicated one
  • How to drive greater business value with FinOps
  • The mindset and cultural shift FinOps requires
  • How to enable conversations between the offices of the CFO and CIO

They will share insights, case studies, and best practices from organizations that have adopted FinOps and will share their thoughts on the future of FinOps.

If your organization is looking to better manage and optimize its cloud spend, join NetApp’s Chuck Foley and HBR-AS’s Alex Clemente on September 8 for Optimizing Cloud Spending with FinOps.

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