Open, Multi-Service Aggregation at the Edge

As the global rollout of 5G and fiber broadband networks steadily progresses, mobile and fixed operators have an unprecedented opportunity to accelerate the digital transformation of the world.

Significantly increased bandwidths, coupled with ubiquitous access to computational and storage resources, moving closer and closer to end-users, offers the potential for new and exciting applications including 4K and 8K video distribution, broadband replacement (via fixed wireless), VR/AR, hyper-realistic gaming, and the list goes on. These leverage high-capacity, broadband fiber access, well-known 5G benefits including higher capacity, lower latency, and greater connectivity, and emerging Edge Computing as well. The dramatic increasing capacity imposes significant implications on the transport, aggregation, provider edge and cloud networking as well.

In this webinar, IP Infusion and Ufispace will illustrate the synergy between an open common software platform and scalable, cost-effective white box hardware platforms that achieve the potential for the emerging high-capacity edge.

Topics addressed will include:

  • Implications of higher capacity for the transport and aggregation segments
  • Drivers for and benefits of disaggregation at the edge
  • How highly scalable, open and flexible white box platforms deliver cost-effective scale
  • The role a common, open software platform to deliver all communications functionality, from aggregation, provider edge routing, mobile xHaul, and perhaps most importantly, migration from existing and legacy services


  • Sterling Perrin, Senior Principal Analyst – Optical Networks & Transport, Heavy Reading
  • Shaji Nathan, Chief Product Officer, IP Infusion 
  • Kei Lee, AVP Technical Sales, UfiSpace

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