Can New PON Architectures Help Networks Close the Digital Gap?

The COVID pandemic did not create the broadband divide, but it did thrust digital disparity into the global spotlight. As high-speed internet becomes more of a necessity, a significant portion of the world’s population find themselves on the wrong side of the gap. The cost—in terms of equal access to education, job opportunities, healthcare and more—is receiving global attention but providing advanced broadband services in rural communities remains challenging. Service providers have found it difficult to justify the financial investments needed to construct next-gen networks in areas where subscriber density is low and greater revenue opportunities can be found in urban and suburban markets. Part of the answer may lie in new passive optical network (PON) technologies that improve network reach and performance while enabling service providers to significantly lower network costs.

In this whitepaper, we explore recent developments in disaggregated PON architectures and how they are helping network operators reduce their physical facilities cost and deployment times to bridge the digital divide in rural markets. Download a free copy of the whitepaper and learn how a disaggregated, software-driven PON network can significantly improve your business case for a successful broadband rollout in rural markets.

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