Amazon RDS vs. MariaDB SkySQL

Many development teams looking to create new applications or migrate existing databases to the cloud consider Amazon’s Relational Database Service (RDS) offering. Amazon RDS is a popular option because of its easy deployment; however, developers frequently run into availability and scalability challenges. The good news is that now you have another option: MariaDB SkySQL.

SkySQL is a database-as-a-service (DBaaS) built and supported by MariaDB. It’s the first DBaaS to offer distributed SQL for applications with the most demanding scalability and elasticity requirements – plus continuous availability and zero downtime, thanks to an advanced database proxy and full redundancy.

Read this white paper to see how RDS stacks up against SkySQL in the following categories:

  • Benefits and capabilities
  • Architecture
  • High availability features
  • Read and write scalability
  • Pricing

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