5G Service Assurance, an almost super-human challenge without applying next-generation automation techniques

Network Complexity is growing without bound – 5G Standalone introduces new complexity such as Voice over new radio (VoNR), Network Slicing, Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC), new Security Risks, and Cloud Migration; while the need to still focus on 4G, VoLTE, Voice, WiFi, Fixed Line, and Video services.

Learn how building the right recipe of automation packaged with domain-trained artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) models can quickly find the most business-impacting issues across the entire mobile network for every single service and subscriber.

Typically, this would involve multiple groups and cross-functional teams of people with deep domain knowledge across numerous disciplines manually sorting through hundreds of key performance indicators (KPIs), key quality indicators (KQIs), dashboards, and metrics.

And this is what having an Automated Consultant can do; accurately slice through all the false positives to find the proverbial “needle in the haystack.” It’s not about more information – It’s about information quality, insights, and actionable intelligence – it’s about the right information.

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