Simplifying management and lowering total cost of ownership for SSL or TLS Certificates

As organizations have become dependent on websites for providing information to the public, as well as for sales and other services, digital security is of the utmost importance. Site visitors expect a high level of security. Information presented on the site should be reliable and provided by a trustworthy source and any data submitted to the site must be protected. SSL (or TLS), the transaction layer security technology, provides credibility to a site, reassuring a visitor that the site is legitimate and owned by the organization so claimed, as well as a secure connection for data submissions. Any data sent through a SSL-protected connection is encrypted and cannot be intercepted by a third party. SSL Certificates play a pivotal role in every company’s security policy, ensuring site integrity and protecting online transactions, data transmission, and digital communications. Many organizations require the use of several SSL Certificates to ensure secure transmission of data throughout their sites and various internal networks. As the number of Certificates employed by an organization grows, so does the cost and staff time associated with managing higher volumes.

This white paper explains the basics of using a Managed PKI for SSL solution to alleviate said issues, the benefits of using GlobalSign’s Managed SSL Solution and how this solution enables organizations to quickly and simply manage their SSL Certificates, as well as significantly reduce the operating costs of using SSL.

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